Thursday, July 31, 2008

It's been less than 5 weeks...

...and I just got started! I received my approval from the Missions department that I will be working with, and I am leaving in 5 weeks 5 days from today!!! From the beginning I have been relying on God's promises that He is "never early and never late". He had this plan from the beginning, and I am just along for the riiiiiiiide! :) And it's exciting!

Ok, as far as budget goes- I have to raise approximately $6,000 to go- this will help to cover different necessities, such as: a cell phone, a bike (commuting), airfare, and other "odds and ends". But I am trusting in God to bring in the money- He has never failed me!

OK, well that is all for now! Feel free to email me or post on here with any questions and such. You are all such a blessing to me!!~Alicia

So guess what....

God has shocked me completely.

Within the past 5 weeks or so, my life has taken a dramatic turn of events... I am moving to EUROPE FOR 3+ Months!!!!

*That sound you just heard was me cheering*

Quick Details:

I'll be in Netherlands, to be exact, working in both Amsterdam and Zaandam. I'll be helping to start a choir in Amsterdam and working with kid's ministry in Zaandam.

I plan to leave in September, and come back in December, before Christmas time.

My budget is not nailed down yet, I am still waiting on my paperwork for that, but it will be several thousand dollars. This is the least I need to be able to go, with all the factors of transportation, food, and so on.

Well, that is all for now! If you want to support me in this venture, please email or call me, and I will get you the info that you need!

