Monday, November 24, 2008


Well, it came and went. :) The concert was great!

Friday night we get to the church a little before 6pm. We wanted everyone there by 6:30, but I wanted to be a little early. Once I got there, I was getting nervous/anxious/excited, so I wished we hadn't hurried there- but then again, traffic can be a headache, so we may have been really late!

So, I sat there, after finishing off my make-up, and talked to people here and there. Most of us were excited, some were nervous. Director Doug was up front looking at all his music before everyone arrived and inundated him with questions and nerves. I think he was nervous too. A lot rests on a Director's head, that's fo sho!

We all got into place, and started going over some songs. It came my turn to go over one of my (2) solos. I got up there, sang the first line, and noticed the lights weren't set-up properly.... the lights were my responsibility... all of a sudden I realized that I didn't remember my next line to the song--- AAAAACK DISTRACTIONS!!!!!!! I stood there and all my choir peeps were reaaaaaalllllly nervous all of a sudden (HAHA)... nothing like feeling like everyone is depending on you, and you're suddenly letting them down! We got through the chorus, and the next verse was better... but it shook us a bit I think! But then I reassured everyone that I WAS FINE! And we moved on. Later on I ran to the lil' Girls' room and reviewed my lines, and was certain it'd be alright!

The audience starts wandering in. The place is filling up, and I'm getting instructions on using the Walkie to alert the guy who's gonna "announce" us once we're ready to come on stage, and relaying that to the girl who's leading the other half of the choir onto the stage... then I run back stage, and my side is all lined up, so I give them a "pep-talk" to kill time since we're all especially antsy now. Then I get the signal that it's time, so I relay that via Walkie to my guy, and we all walk to the backstage doorway. EEKEEKEEK..... I could almost hear everyones' hearts' pounding away!

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for coming out on this very coooooold night. Introducing the all-new Amsterdam's Gospel FireChoir"!!!! Woohoo! Excitement. We walk out.

Whew... and it's done! Ok, so it seemed like it went *snap* that fast! We were shocked! Most songs went great, couple spots here and there, but everyone had a blast- including the audience!!! The choir Peeps surprised Doug and Jackee and me with flowers, cards and cd's at the end of the concert- that was so sweet. And Doug and Jackee surprised all us soloists with flowers too! So I was doubly blessed! I nearly cried after the choir thanked me for coming- what a blessing x a million!

So, now it is recovery mode... which isn't really happening, this week and next are packed full- almost more than last week! But such is life, and I'm gonna enjoy it.

God is good. You are wonderful. Love to all.


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