Sunday, March 21, 2010


Well, I did it! I decided to cut my budget nearly 40%! This means that now I only have $900 in monthly pledges left to raise, and then I can leave for the Netherlands! My cash budget is also nearly fully raised, so once that is complete, any cash offerings that come in will go directly towards the monthly pledge need. For example: If someone gives an offering of $120, it will be divided into 12, $10 for each month. This brings the needed amount for monthly pledges down.

The concerts are April 23 and 24, so I NEED to get back SOON so that I can have time to practice with the choir- I will be singing 1 solo for sure- and also be a part of the mic'd ensemble. It's urgent! :) The desire of my heart is to bring God glory by doing what He has called me to do, and my heart-strings are being tugged, even as I write this to you! I hope that you hear the excitement that I feel as I look toward this incredible opportunity with great anticipation and joy. How refreshing to follow God's plan, and be in His hands!

Please email me at: if you feel that God wants you to support this ministry. I will get information to you :)

Many blessings and Love!


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