Monday, August 30, 2010


"Come be the fire inside of me until You and I are One.. I don't want to talk about You like You're not in the room.. wanna look right at You.. wanna sing right to You.." (Jesus Culture, You Won't Relent)

Sometimes everything in life seems relentless ( defines this as:
re·lent·less –adjective "that does not relent; unyieldingly severe, strict, or harsh; unrelenting: a relentless enemy"). There are moments when I wonder how I will get out from the stress of everything that is pulling at me, demanding my attention. Even when I close my eyes at night, my mind is still going. At moments, the only peace I find is being asleep, and then even my dreams are demanding of me. How does that happen? And how do I deal with it??

There is this song from Jesus Culture called "You Won't Relent". (Follow link to hear it on YouTube: It has been playing itself through my mind lately. I've realized that peace can be found in God, even in the middle all that life presents each moment. I know this isn't a new-found concept. However, I also have realized that the choice is up to me whether I have that peace or not- because it is there for the taking.. however, I need to take time with my Lord if I'm going to have that peace. Not because He necessarily "withholds" it until we 'earn it' or anything like that.. but it's in knowing Him, understanding His character and seeing things from His perspective that bring true peace and understanding. Knowing Someone is literally always "there" for me, and cares, and knows what I'll have to face today and tomorrow.. can really ease a burden.

So.. relent: to His unending Love and unconditional acceptance of who you are right now.



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