Sunday, August 31, 2008

Single Digits!

Well, I am now down to it single digits of the number of days before I leave for NL! WOW!! I'm really excited and tired- those are the two main emotions I am generally feeling these days. Hard to believe that I'm down to 9 days...!

Yesterday I went to visit my Grandma and Aunt and Uncle in Wisconsin- traffic was perfect, and so was the weather! I spent most of the day with Grma, although part of the day was spent packing- see, my Uncle is coming over to Amsterdam a week after I leave here, and he is able to bring some of my stuff- YAYAYAYAAAAAAAA for him! I filled up most of one suitcase and that is going to help me SOOOOOO much! SO thank you UnC! :)

I also sang and shared about my upcoming adventure at his church in New Richmond, and I was WONderfully received by everyone there- as always! What a wonderful bunch of people, thank you for your blessings and encouragement to me! SHout OUt to NR!

Well, that's it for now. The next 9 days will be filled with packing, sorting & cleaning mostly, and hanging with some friends. It's going to be a VERY busy 9 days, but I have 9+ hours on 2 airplanes to rest, right? haha :)

Love you all!


Friday, August 29, 2008

Prayer Needed for Insane Chica!!

That'd be me. I'm the insane Chica. I'm the insane Chica that is a major procrastinator! Yes, I know that all of you are intensely shocked by this, but nonetheless, it's true.

Ok, so you're not shocked. :) Neither am I, so it's fun. But I am getting some things together to take to my Uncle's tomorrow- he lives 2 hours away, and he is coming to NL a week after I am----which is GREAT because I have too much stuff I need to bring and not enough room on the airplane! So, yay! But I am not used to packing this much in advance, and I have so many thoughts rolling around in my head and sooooo muuuuuuch tooooo dooooo I'm going crazy! But you know, "the darkest hour is always just before dawn"... so, I am going to keep on keeping on-- even if it means I keep on being insane! hahaaaa :)

So, I was reminded of something earlier on today. Several years ago- maybe like 5 or 6?... God told me that I needed to work on 3 areas of my life before He would move me from here.. He didn't exactly specify what "here" was, but He said the areas were 1) My finances, 2) My organization (ick) and 3) My health/getting into shape. So of course, I took that as meaning I needed to be perfect in all those areas, and who in the world would ever be able to do that?? Ugh!

So slowly over the past few years I have worked on those areas- some, little bits at a time, other times it was huge chunks- but I've worked hard in different ways. And today, I realized that I am now "moving on" from that place that I was in- that although I have not perfected any of these areas, by ANY means- I am working at being obedient in working on things in my life that need to change. I have learned a true lesson in Grace and what it means to be obedient. AND I benefitted from both of those areas. So cool!

Well, now I'm back to being crazy-insane chica again. I gotta run outside to my car and see if the oil is holding out--- eeek! God is good~Always (WW).

Hugs, Love


Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Less than 2 weeks--- and General Ramblings

Well the 2-week mark has surpassed me already--- in fact, 2 weeks from this moment I'll HOPEFULLY be sleeping in my bed, since it will be 5:30 Thursday morning, NL time! By the way, for future reference I will be using "NL" which stands for "Netherlands", in case of confusion!

Yes, NL is 7 hours ahead of Central Daylight time, or Central Standard time, whichever you prefer. So generally, when you are getting up to go to work at 7 or 8 in the morning, it will already be late afternoon/early evening for me! And when I am getting ready to go to bed, you'll be getting ready to make your evening meal! So it will take some mental adjustment ;) When I was visiting my parents in May & June of this year, it just would crack one of my friends up when I told her I was going to bed, and she was still enjoying the mid-late afternoon day. The funny thing is, it's very normal for me to sort-of "live" in two (or more) different time zones, and very UNUSUAL to just have one time zone to think about and deal with, so I have the flip-side of many of you. Growing up in different countries does that to a person... :)

Today was my next-to-last day at work- I was very excited today. Yesterday I shed a few tears, and it was harder to deal with, but today was a "YIPPEE" day. One of my co-workers announced at the meeting this morning that it was almost my last day, and he was bummed, but I was gloating (sorry kids!). It will be my first holiday season that I am not working in retail since 2000, and that is a big deal to me! I get to have Christmas EVE off, BLITZ/Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) off, and the day after Christmas off... that's a T R E A T! Although it was a rush watching people trample each other running into the store the day after Thanksgiving....

I really am thankful though that I have had this time to work through leaving wmt--- I keep telling people that I won't miss the Corporation.. but I'll miss the people... A LOT. My co-workers are some of the best that there is or ever have been in my life, and I am so grateful that I was able to have them in my life. (Somebody break out the lighters, I could go sappy-song here...!). hahaaaa :) Really though, I mean it! I won't miss being Aliciat though (BW and Vanilla W) hardy har har! Props ;)

Ok, this is turning into some weird post, so I'll go for now. I think I had too much chocolate at Gap's, and not enough protein! :)

Hugs to all


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thank you!

I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you that have been so encouraging and excited for me in this adventure.. I am so thankful to have so many incredible people in my life in various ways, and want you to know how much I appreciate all of you!

Well, my bed is calling me, even though it is kind of early. I have 4 more days of "actual" work at wmt left--- that is settling into my understanding as well--- a bittersweet feeling really- I always knew this day would come, and that it would sort of "take me by surprise"... but now that it is here, it's hard to say good-bye. But I am glad for that, because it means that I have been blessed with friendships beyond the day-to-day "hello, how are you" relationship of co-workers--- not everyone gets that :)

Lost in my thoughts........................................................

Much Love


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

3 Weeks!!! (Eek!)

It's the 21 day count-down! Wow, here I am being surprised that it's 21 days away, and it's already almost 20! I was just sending a message to my friend, commenting on how in 3 weeks from this moment, I will be watching a movie, and thinking about whether I should try to sleep or not even bother. I rarely sleep on the airplane, but I still try to relax and enjoy the ride. I won't get there any faster wishing I was there, and can't get to sleep by obsessing about how I should be sleeping. Who needs sleep anyway- I'll get caught up once I get to Europe! Or not. haha :)

Only 6 more days of work left. I am having issues concentrating on my job, but I'm making a grand effort nonetheless. One of my bosses (there are dozens... haha) asked me today when my last day was- she was relieved that it wasn't until Sept. 5th... pretty sure she wants to torture me as much as possible to make up for when I'm not there anymore... hahaaaaa (Love ya JJ).

Anyway, I guess I do need sleep, and lots of it. So off I go. Have a good rest of your week y'all. Today God told me He will provide for me, and I just wanted to remember that. Sometimes I panic wondering how I am going to pay for all the things I need and et cetera, and He reminds me that He will never fail me- and He never has- but I still need those reminders from Him. I've had many people encourage me that God has something else and that moving on from wmt is not a bad thing, and I am really holding to that promise from God that "He will never leave me nor forsake me". :)



Thursday, August 14, 2008

Counting Down the Days...

It's still into weeks + days, but I've begun counting down days nonetheless. I have 11 more days of actual "work days" (my last day official day is Sept. 5th); I have 3 more Sundays at my church and one at my uncle's church, and 26 more days until I board the plane. Seems like I just wrote about it being over 4 weeks away, wow!

I realized yesterday how much stress I am under, and that I hadn't expected to have that much stress to deal with. However, realizing I was dealing with stress, and that it is a "normal" amount of stress really helped me to deal with it somehow- go figure that one out. I spent this morning not getting up early to work on things, but actually turned off my alarm and slept until I woke up- until a whopping 9:30ish am--- long gone are the days when sleeping in meant until past NOON! Haha- I must be one of those adults or something. *laugh*

I went to my dentist today- the ladies were so excited for me in doing this venture *Shout Out To The Dentist Ladies!!!*, and so was the Doc! I figured getting my teeth checked and a couple things fixed was probably a GOOD idea before I left--- although it's not like how it used to be in Africa when we'd see a dentist MAYBE once every 2-3 years-- and even that was iffy. Things have certainly changed since I was a kid!

Well, I need to do some stuff- mundane things like: laundry, dishes, vaccuuming... are there 2 'C's' or 2 'U's' in that word? I figure 2 of each pretty much covers it ;) OH, and more Olympics are on tonight, so I'll be watching that as well!

I need some questions to answer on here, so email me or leave a comment on here (I think you can sign in anonymously and leave comments, and just put your name at the end of your post)--- and I'll answer the questions, that'd be fun!

Have a good rest of your week, whomever and wherever you are!


Monday, August 11, 2008

Four Weeks From TOMORROW!!

Four weeks from tonight I am going to be sitting here... or maybe running around screaming hysterically, you just never know.... thinking how fast the time has really gone! I can't hardly get my mind around 4 weeks, and by then I'll have to be getting my mind around "tomorrow"! Wow, it's nuts.

I've had a few thoughts today about how could "all that money" possibly come in...? It's a lot of money! And every time, I countered it with just trusting in God. I was talking to this customer at work about how things are kind of difficult with his family right now, and he said he was just a sinner.. and I said, "well, I am a child of God". And he was kinda like, well yeah.......... well, ... yeah... yeah... ok. (lol). But it made me realize how powerful words can be- the words that I speak to myself will either build me up to doing what I am created to do... or they will tear me down and destroy everything.

So, I'm buildin'... :)

It's raining outside--- what a WONderful sound, and smell. It really is a good thing that I love rain, because Netherlands is FAMOUS for it, haha!

And by the way, the Netherlands is DUTCH not Danish--- I've had several people refer to it as Danish, and they're different from each other :) It's like how some people used to ask us what it was like living in the country of AFRICA... Uh, Hello, They're Called Continents!

Hmm, perhaps that could be a title for a book....! Well, another time. :)

Well, it is long-over-due time for bed. I've been enjoying the Olympics and MN Twins, and probably terrifying everyone that lives within a 7-block radius of my house--- if you don't know, I like to "cheer" for "my people"... i.e. Scream Radically on their behalf. It's very fun. You should try it sometime! :)

Much love to all, thank you to everyone that has encouraged me and been excited with me in this time, through email, letters, and in person- it is so supportive and I appreciate you so much!


Saturday, August 9, 2008

One Month

I realized this evening that I leave in a month! Wow, scary! Ok, exciting really, but so much to do, so that = scary for me!

I found out this week that my leave of absence was denied at work. I was experiencing different emotions at first, but I just let them work themselves through that first day, and prayed about it. And the next day I had peace about it. So, God's plan isn't over for me yet--- well, not that I ever thought it was, but let's just say I don't know what it is yet.

And that's ok! I have enough to focus on between now and leaving that I don't need to focus on that.

Well, that's all for now. The money is coming in bit by bit (THANK YOU!) and I'm simply trusting God for it all!
