Four weeks from tonight I am going to be sitting here... or maybe running around screaming hysterically, you just never know.... thinking how fast the time has really gone! I can't hardly get my mind around 4 weeks, and by then I'll have to be getting my mind around "tomorrow"! Wow, it's nuts.
I've had a few thoughts today about how could "all that money" possibly come in...? It's a lot of money! And every time, I countered it with just trusting in God. I was talking to this customer at work about how things are kind of difficult with his family right now, and he said he was just a sinner.. and I said, "well, I am a child of God". And he was kinda like, well yeah.......... well, ... yeah... yeah... ok. (lol). But it made me realize how powerful words can be- the words that I speak to myself will either build me up to doing what I am created to do... or they will tear me down and destroy everything.
So, I'm buildin'... :)
It's raining outside--- what a WONderful sound, and smell. It really is a good thing that I love rain, because Netherlands is FAMOUS for it, haha!
And by the way, the Netherlands is DUTCH not Danish--- I've had several people refer to it as Danish, and they're different from each other :) It's like how some people used to ask us what it was like living in the country of AFRICA... Uh, Hello, They're Called Continents!
Hmm, perhaps that could be a title for a book....! Well, another time. :)
Well, it is long-over-due time for bed. I've been enjoying the Olympics and MN Twins, and probably terrifying everyone that lives within a 7-block radius of my house--- if you don't know, I like to "cheer" for "my people"... i.e. Scream Radically on their behalf. It's very fun. You should try it sometime! :)
Much love to all, thank you to everyone that has encouraged me and been excited with me in this time, through email, letters, and in person- it is so supportive and I appreciate you so much!
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