Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Less than 2 weeks--- and General Ramblings

Well the 2-week mark has surpassed me already--- in fact, 2 weeks from this moment I'll HOPEFULLY be sleeping in my bed, since it will be 5:30 Thursday morning, NL time! By the way, for future reference I will be using "NL" which stands for "Netherlands", in case of confusion!

Yes, NL is 7 hours ahead of Central Daylight time, or Central Standard time, whichever you prefer. So generally, when you are getting up to go to work at 7 or 8 in the morning, it will already be late afternoon/early evening for me! And when I am getting ready to go to bed, you'll be getting ready to make your evening meal! So it will take some mental adjustment ;) When I was visiting my parents in May & June of this year, it just would crack one of my friends up when I told her I was going to bed, and she was still enjoying the mid-late afternoon day. The funny thing is, it's very normal for me to sort-of "live" in two (or more) different time zones, and very UNUSUAL to just have one time zone to think about and deal with, so I have the flip-side of many of you. Growing up in different countries does that to a person... :)

Today was my next-to-last day at work- I was very excited today. Yesterday I shed a few tears, and it was harder to deal with, but today was a "YIPPEE" day. One of my co-workers announced at the meeting this morning that it was almost my last day, and he was bummed, but I was gloating (sorry kids!). It will be my first holiday season that I am not working in retail since 2000, and that is a big deal to me! I get to have Christmas EVE off, BLITZ/Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving) off, and the day after Christmas off... that's a T R E A T! Although it was a rush watching people trample each other running into the store the day after Thanksgiving....

I really am thankful though that I have had this time to work through leaving wmt--- I keep telling people that I won't miss the Corporation.. but I'll miss the people... A LOT. My co-workers are some of the best that there is or ever have been in my life, and I am so grateful that I was able to have them in my life. (Somebody break out the lighters, I could go sappy-song here...!). hahaaaa :) Really though, I mean it! I won't miss being Aliciat though (BW and Vanilla W) hardy har har! Props ;)

Ok, this is turning into some weird post, so I'll go for now. I think I had too much chocolate at Gap's, and not enough protein! :)

Hugs to all


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